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Monday, January 24, 2011


Information technology(IT) is tasked with processing, storing and communication of information e.g. computers, mobile phones, PDAs. Geographical effects have been widespread as the advances in IT have begun to dramatically change behavior e.g. working from home, reducing business trips, shopping from home
Information technology is taking the world and squeezing it inside the computer,making it small and making it more manageable . It smoothies life of individual and the world as a whole as it reduces work load. Imagen if people were to keep all file records in their offices. How were they going to manage them,how much space was going to be needed to accommodate those files,how many people were going required to write those records,what if those files go missing, what was going to be a back up for those files?
Indeed information technology is the support or the pillar of the present nation. If this department was not there,then communication between continents was going to be difficult if not impossible at all. Computers, phones and other sources of Information technology connects people throughout the world. It does not only connects people but it also connects planets in this universe. Some people believe that aliens have better technology than the human race. If that so,one can imagine their world and how everything is possible. I believe the information technology sector is working on to implement sources that are believed to be used by aliens as to make everything also possible in the world.
Information technology equip students with the information that can help improve their future lives. Today almost every school have computers and students are been taught how to operate them. What I believe is that we are moving to the times where no paper will be used anymore to write documents but the tool of writing being computers and phones only or maybe something more advanced than them, who knows what might come up! 

IT professionals perform a variety of functions (IT Disciplines/Competencies) that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as management and administration of entire systems
 Even though the information technology is wide spread the whole world there are some countries which are left behind in this sector and those that are leading in this sector. This may be because of the level of development in different countries. Below is a video which reviews about information technology the whole world.