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Thursday, January 13, 2011


For many years there have been debates whether some technological tools influence in the cause of the one of the health implication called brain tumor.First of all let us try to define brain tumor;
Brain tumor is a life threatening health disorder whereby abnormal cells grow inside the brain or the central spinal cord.
                                                                                         PICTURE 1;
Picture 1 shows a persons who is suffering   from brain tumor
For a long period of time scientists have carried intensive researches about brain tumor and its connections to the modern technology. Some of these scientist have linked brain tumor to some of the  modern technological devices like cellphones but some of these scientist disagree with the allegations that devices of modern technology like cellphones have contribution in the rise of brain tumor cases. Join me as we look at some of the views of some scientist concerning this issue basing on the effect caused by cell phones.
Lloyd Morgan is an electronic engineer who believes that cellphones have contribution in the cases of brain tumor. This could be picked up from his story that will follow up.
 Video 1 above is a video of Lloyd Morgan, an electronic engineer    
 narrating his story about brain tumor.
Adding up to the words of Mr Morgan is Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute who advised the public to limit their cell phone use and to use hands-free sets in the wake of "growing evidence that we should reduce exposure" to cell phone radiation."Long term and frequent use of cell phones which receive and emit radio frequency may be associated with an increased risk of brain tumors," Herberman told lawmakers in the conference which was held between the health officials."I find the old adage 'better to be safe than sorry' to be very apt to this situation."

picture 2 demonstrating what Morgan 
and Herberman believe
 Clashing with Morgan and Herberman is the director of National Cancer Institute (NCI)'s
 Epidemiology and Biostatistics,Robert Hoover who insisted that the pervasive technology was safe, testifying that "its effect on the body appears to be insufficient to cause genetic damage."Cell phones use non-ionizing radiation, which differs from the ionizing radiation of x-rays and radioactive material in that it does not have enough energy to knock around—or ionize—electrons or particles in atoms. Cell phone radiation falls into the same band of non ionizing radio frequency as microwaves    
used to heat or cook food." said Jorn Olsen, chair of epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Public Health who continued saying "unlike microwaves, cell phones do not release enough radiation or energy to damage DNA or genetic material, which can lead to cancer or tumor."
Even though it is still remain unknown for if whether technology have contribution in the cases of tumor, what stands as a fact is that, it is the modern technology that is used to treat brain tumor.

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