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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


What comes into you mind when the word robot is mentioned to your ears, a metal tough body, a powerful automatic body, a body operated by electricity...?Probably one of the above will flicker across someone's mind at the mention of the word robot. Well there are a lot of of robots that we see today in the real life, but first let us try to understand what do we really mean when we are talking about a robot.
A robot is an artificial mechanical  body that is programmed by computers or electricity enabling it to perform task on its own. Some of them are immobile but some are motile and usually their movement are unique.There is no one definition of robot which satisfies everyone and many people have their own but images like the below will definitely give someone a better idea.

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The Czech interwar writer named Karel Čapek is the one who introduced the word robot on his play called  (Rossum's Universal Robots)R.U.R. which was published in 1920 .This play starts in a factory that manufactures man-made figure like people called which they robots.

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As for who started the making of robots, that may be traced to the Greek engineer Ctesibius. Men such as Leonardo Da Vinci in 1495 through to Jacques de Vaucanson in 1739 have made plans for, and built, automata and robots.

 In today's world robots are now starting to replace human labor. An issue which causes big dilemma as for whether robots existence is  essential to human lives or they are going to get more people unemployed and poor. Yes robots seem to be helpful as they do work efficiently and unlike human beings they never get tired, I mean how can a machine get tired. For a job that can be done by twenty men, only one robot can do it, faster and perfectly, all it needs is a good programming.That is one of  the reasons a lot of factories like the packing factory shown by a picture below use robots.
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What left to ask is even though robots do perfect tasks and never get tired or complain, where are people going work if they are been replaced by robots. Is not this going cause more poverty to the people who could be filling the spots that are already being filled by these electronics bodies which never get tired? These robots also bring laziness to a lot of people in the world as they never do any job but use robots to perform every task of their lives and as a result health implications like obesity and heart attack cases rises because people never do any work to exercise their bodies.
The fact remains that whether we like it or not everything has its advantages and disadvantages so sometimes we will have to weigh them and see which one is the dominating one. 

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